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The 2017 Open meeting promoted by the Bedfordshire AAA was held at Bedford on Saturday 8th April

The weather was outstanding and some good performances recorded. We trust everybody enjoyed the event.

Thank you to all the officials and helpers that put the event on.

There were a lot of tweaks of the timetable in the last week due to significant entry numbers in some events and thanks to the small band who worked through all of this. .

It also takes a while to complete and verify results.

The final confirmed results of the event are here  Beds AAA Open meeting results 2017

Any queries with results please advise.

One note from Field Referee, the tape that was used in the first round of U11 Long Jump was found to be faulty at the end of the round and measuring 12cm too long

A valid tape was swapped in thereafter and 12cm removed from the first round distances. The results show the best distance for each jumper. :


The 2017 County Championships were held at Bedford on Sunday 14th May.

The weather was good although windy. Some fine performances were recorded including a number of new Championship Best Performances

A big thank you to all the officials and helpers that ensure the event ran, especially Jenny O'Shea and Courtney Gunn, the championships secretaries.

Corrected results of the county championships are here Beds AAA 2017 T&F  Champs - corrected  Final Results.pdf

The winners of the various trophies and a summary of CBPs and AAA grade standards are here Beds AAA 2017 T&F Champs - Trophy winners.pdf

A number of new Championship Best Performances were also set, the new ones are here Beds AAA 2017 T&F Champs New CBP's.pdf

The full list of Championship Best Performances including those set this year are here. Beds AAA T&F CBP's as of May 2017.xlsb

Also please find all the performances that gained a AAA grade 1 to 4 standard award here Beds AAA 2017 T&F Champs - Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 awards.pdf


The 2017 CAU Inter-Counties Championships  -  29th and 30th July

The 2017 Beds County School Championships - TBC



For previous years' details select Archives on Left Hand Menu

Last Modified 18/05/2017 20.48